Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is Object Oriented Programming Language


What is OOP?

OOP refers to the object oriented programming which enables the feature of several new concepts by using this the programming become more easier than the conventional programming. In C++ have many features which is very useful and depend on real world entities. Some Features of OOPS Programming Languages are as follows:

1. Inheritance
2. Polymorphism
3. Data Hiding
4. Abstraction
5. Classes and Objects
6. Encapsulation
7. Dynamic Binding
8. Message Passing

Benefits of OOP

It ties data more securely to the functions that operate on it and prevents it from accidental change from external functions. Following are the impressive characteristics of OOP :-

  • Importance of data partially then functions.
  • Programs are divided into objects.
  • New data items and functions can be comfortably added whenever essential.
  • Data is private and prevented from accessing external functions.
  • Object can communicate among each other through functions.

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