A class is a group of Objects that have the identical properties,common behavior, and shared relationship.
The entire group of data and code of an object can be built as a user-defined data type using class.
Objects are nothing but variable of type class.
A class is a model and not a true structure of the object
.However it shares the property names or operations with other objects of the class.
The entire group of data and code of an object can be built as a user-defined data type using class.
Objects are nothing but variable of type class.
A class is a model and not a true structure of the object
.However it shares the property names or operations with other objects of the class.
Class p
Private :
Char n [20];
Public :
Float h ;
Float w ;
} ;
Int main ()
Clrscr ()
p a;
//a.n =”Sanjay”;// not accessible
a.h = 5.5;
a.w = 38;
return 0;
Height : 5.5
Weight : 38