Union is a derived datatypes which group together a number of variable . Union is like a structure in c language which used to store one of a set of different types. A union holds the value of one-variable at a time. C Programming provide this facility which help to share same memory with different different variables. Accessing members of a union is via “.” member operator or, for pointers to unions, the -> operator.
union syntax in c :
union union_name
<datatype> first_element 1;
<datatype> first_element 2;
<datatype> first_element 3;
Examples of Union in C language
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
union tech
int i;
char name[50];
void main()
union tech a;
printf("\n\t Enter developer id : ");
scanf("%d", &a.i);
printf("\n\n\t Enter developer name : ");
scanf("%s", &a.name);
printf("\n\n Developer ID : %d", a.i);//Garbage
printf("\n\n Developed By : %s", a.name);